Giving financially is only one aspect of our worship to God and yet it is a powerful declaration that He is our our provider and that we will orientate our lives to serve Him. We would love you to partner with us and give, wether that means financially, with your time or by joining with us in prayer to pray for Markethill and beyond.
If it is on your heart to contribute financially we have provided a number of ways you can do so on this page.
Scan the QR code in the image and follow the instructions via Givt to give one off or on a regular basis. You can also download the Givt App and search for ‘Markethill Elim’.
Click on the image of our Gift Aid Declaration Form to download a fillable PDF version that you can complete and return.
All completed forms should be sent to alan@markethillelim.co.uk or handed to the Church Treasurer as soon as possible.
Gift aiding ensures that we can claim 25p per pound extra per donation.
It doesn’t cost you anything!
The easiest way to give finanically to our church is by setting of a recurring standing order using the bank details of the Church. You can do this directly in your own online banking app or in your local bank branch.
Account Name: Markethill Elim Pentecostal Church
Bank: Ulster Bank
Account Number: 01462186
Sort Code: 98-01-90
If you are a UK taxpayer, please make sure you complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form with you standing order so we can claim an additional income on your generosity.
Click the ‘donate’ button
to be able to give via PayPal
In Person
There is always and opportunity to financially give to God’s working during our worship services on a Sunday. You don’t need envelopes or anything else, just place whatever you would to donate on the collection plate as it makes its way around the congregation at the start of our Church service.